Duke is for those who prefer to use a desktop application for organizing, managing, and editing tasks. More importantly, this application is optimized for those who prefer to work with Command-Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you are interested, jump to Section 2, Quickstart to begin using the program!
java -jar duke.jar
Adds todo to the list of tasks.
Format: todo (description)
Expected of usage: todo clean house
Adds deadline to the list of tasks.
Format: deadline (description) by/ (time/date)
Expected of usage: deadline return book by/ Monday at 5pm
Adds event to the list of tasks.
Format: event (description) at/ (location)
Expected of usage: event party /at College of Alice and Peter Tan
Deletes a task from the list of tasks.
Format: delete (number of task in tasklist)
Expected of usage: delete 3
Finds tasks by searching for a certain keyword.
Format: find (description)
Expected of usage: find book
Marks a task as done.
Format: done (number of task in tasklist)
Expected of usage: done 2
Lists all the tasks in the list.
Format: list
Expected of usage: list
Exists the program
Format: bye
Expected of usage: bye